Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Time in Destin

This past week Drew and I were lucky enough to fly to Destin, Florida and vacation with his parents. We had a fabulous time relaxing, eating, beaching, swimming, and putt-putting...oh and most importantly SHOPPING at the amazing outlet mall.
Day 1
Our day started early (3:30 AM) as we made our way to George Bush Intercontinental Airport- with what we thought was plenty of time to spare. We found a great parking spot and caught the shuttle bus swiftly, then....enter the 90 year old bus driver! We climbed onto the bus and waited in the parking lot for 20 minutes making sure any and everybody caught a ride. She then proceeded to drop everyone off at the terminals. We figure because we were in terminal A we should be dropped off first. No, no, no that would make entirely way to much since for this elderly bus driver. She proceeded on terminals E, D, C, B, and then FINALLY A!!!! Now, anyone who knows me understands that I have issues with "flowing like water"....needless to say this experience nearly tipped me over the edge considering I'm very specific with my travel agenda (just ask Drew). We made it through security with enough time for Starbucks and our flight!

Our arrival was emotional and exciting considering I haven't seen Drew's parents since Thanksgiving and he hadn't seen them since early May. We exchanged hugs and headed towards Sharky's Beachfront Restaurant and Tiki Bar. We caught up on all major events and ate some delicious seafood while overlooking the beautiful clear water and crystal white sands. A great start to our trip. We rested up the rest of the afternoon, went to the pool, and then took a walk on thebeach at sunset!

Day 2
Drew and I planned on going ona run on the beach but it was raining when we woke up. The morning was salvaged byMs. Sonia delicious waffles for breakfast! We ate waffles to our hearts content and then headed to the outlet malls. We shopped till we dropped and took down the outlet malls with our debit and credit cards! Let's just say I'll be very well dressed for the start of school! We then headed to the movies to watch Captain America, I loved the movie, but we had mixed review within the group. We ate at a gourmet pizzeria for dinner, built individual gourmet pizzas to each of our own specific tastes, and we ate it alllll!!! We headed home to the condo and took a evening dip in the pool! I think one of the best parts of the trip was me watching the sunset on the balcony. I was listening the Shane and Shane, overlooking the majestic waters, and the sun was setting. God's goodness was so clear in that moment. I tend to have my major God moments while witnessing his grandness in nature. He was screaming love, mercy, and grace to my heart with the sunset over the ocean.

Day 3
We woke up and headed strait for the beach. The water was perfect and the sands were smooth. The beach rivals that of those in Mexico. We played frisbee, caught some waves, and some rays. We headed back to the condo and got cleaned up for a fancy lunch on the water at Dewey Destin's Harbor Side Restaurant. The seafood was great and the Key Lime Pie was even better. Great fellowship had by all! We went back to the condo to watch a soccer game that Drew just couldn't miss. We went back over to the outlet malls for even more damage and then caught a quick dinner at Poppy's Sports Bar. I love it when you stumble upon a great little restaurant with live music. The food had a cajun flare to it and I decided to try something new and live on the edge. I tried Alligator read right....ALLIGATOR! The guy said it would taste like chicken, but I thought it tasted like Bretton's pork ribs. Either they use the same seasoning or Bretton has been feeding me Alligator all this time. Bottom line was delicious! The live music was awesome and the atmosphere was fun in the sun in Florida! We then headed over to a friendly game of putt-putt. Sonia and I tied with the most points, then Drew, then Ronnie won.

Day 4
We again had a early flight and left Destin at 4:45 AM. The trip to the airport was a lot less eventful then the trip out and a lot less talkative. We were all tired from the great time and the early morning. We caught our flight and made in back to Houston safe and sound.

We had such a wonderful time and it was a blessing of a vacation. I can't complain because I've been to both the mountains and the beach this summer- so lucky to have parents and in-laws who love us enough to want to spend time with us in amazing places. My cup runneth over with blessings!

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